Friday, December 31, 2004


TSUNAMI and The Ring of Fire

I have subscribed in the past to futurist GORDON MICHAEL SCALLION's Newsletter.
He noted in the January/February issue of "Intuitive Flash" 2005 resumes Earth changes especially near the equator, Ring of Fire and the West Coast of America. However, the Indian Ocean quake and the resulting tsunamis indicate that they have started 5 days earlier than I predicted.

As to the Indian Ocean quake, indications are that this is the first of a series of early warning signs for future changes. The next sign to watch for is "significant" activity in Mexico, and in the Pacific Northwest, specifically Mount Rainer. By "significant" I mean an eruption. Mount Saint Helens is already active and while this was not a specific early warning sign that I had predicted, Mount Saint Helens and Mount Rainier are all part of the same Cascades range and are subject to the same magma flows and pressures.

Here's another interesting site that shows earthquakes, visually, around The Ring of Fire:

A new Web Cam of Mt Rainier added in December of 2004:
Mover Mike

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