Sunday, January 09, 2005


Where'sHere's the NYT on Hillary Clinton?!

The New York Daily News has this story GOP chief slams
Hil aide
The new state GOP chairman came out swinging against Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) yesterday, charging the indictment of her 2000 campaign aide is part of a pattern.

"Is anyone really surprised that another Clinton confidante has been indicted?" said Stephen Minarik, the New York State Republican Party chairman, in one of the first major shots of the senator's reelection bid.

"Hillary Clinton's public life reads like an instruction manual for breaking the rules," Minarik added. "New Yorkers deserve better."
Where'sHere's the NYT on this story?!
Ex-Clinton Aide Charged on Fund-Raising

Published: January 8, 2005
ABC picked it up! The Washington Post picked it up on Jan 8th on page A05. Where's the NYT?
I checked the index for stories in the NYT back to 1996, but I obviously missed the story. My apologies! It won't be the first time I make a mistake and when I'm wrong will admit it.
Mover Mike

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